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Gastronomies of Stone Forest

Braised Chicken 

Braised Local Chicken, Local Chicken Eggs

The local chicken in the mountainous regions of Shilin is small, tasty and enduring to cooking. Cooked with water after stir-fried with red pepper, prickly ash, tsaoko, Chinese anise and preserved meat, it tastes perfect. With golden color and mellow taste, local egg is an ideal dish to be eaten with staple food after stir-fried with green pepper and a little salt.

Stir-fried Local Chicken Egg with Lettuce Leaf

Wild Mushroom

Stone Forest has many mountains and dense forests with rich resources of wild mushroom. Top-grade wild mushrooms include chantarelle, sparassis crispa and russula virescens. Although the cooking method may be different, the flavor is always fresh and tasty. Eating mushroom is risky and you should be cautious when ordering your dishes. However, when delicious food is served, just enjoy it.

Russula Virescens and Chantarelle

Yi-flavored Preserved Pork

The Sani people of Yi ethnic group in the mountainous areas of Shilin have the custom of butchering a pig for the New Year. It is cool in the mountainous areas, so the remaining pork may be salted and hung on the beam and it will keep good for years. The preserved pork has no smoking smell, delicious with delicate fragrance. When cut into pieces and stir-fried with red pepper, green onion and shredded ginger, the fat is yellow and the lean meat is red, looking, smelling and tasting good.

Yi-flavored Preserved Meat

Buckwheat Flour Cake Dipped in Honey

Buckwheat is a common crop in the mountainous area of Shilin. With high content of fibers and nutrition, it tastes rough and slightly bitter. The wide Sani people mix buckwheat flour with wheat flour according to a certain proportion to make thin cake and eat it with honey. That is the delicious buckwheat flour cake dipped in honey, which is ecological and healthy, suitable for both the elder and the young.

Buckwheat Flour Cake

Fried Bee Pupa

Pick wild honey comb, take out the bee pupas and fry in oil without adding any flavoring. With wonderful taste, it has high content of high-quality protein, very nutritional. But you may suffer from excessive internal heat if you eat too much.

Fried Bee Pupa

Wild Bee Pupa

Milk Cake

Milk cake is a major local product of Stone Forest. The local people boil the goats milk, add a proper quantity of acid water to solidify it, press it into pieces and then dry it into milk cake (a kind of cheese). Water-fried milk cake and steamed ham and milk cake are famous traditional dishes of Stone Forest.

Tile-shaped Milk Cake


With karst landform and the geological structure led by limestone, the water quality in Stone Forest is relatively hard and there may be too much incrustation after boiled. But it tastes refreshing and sweet and is the best water to make Tofu. The strong-smelling preserved Tofu with delicate quality and rich taste, after fried to the golden color on both sides, is really inviting. Shilin-flavored preserved Tofu, made of strong-smelling preserved Tofu, has bright colors, red on the outer layer and golden inside. Delicious and mildly hot, it is a perfect dish of special characteristics to be eaten with staple food.   

Golden Strong-smelling Preserved Tofu

Shilin-flavored Preserved Tofu

BEFORE: Wild Mushroom
AFTER: Hot Pot

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