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Children from Shijin Kindergarten Made a Study Trip to Shilin UGGp

(By BAO Jihong )                                 21 March 2024


In order to let the children feel the charm of Shilin UNESCO Global Geopark, be close to nature, proud of their hometown, Shijin Kindergarten carried out a study trip themed “having a date with spring and exploring Shilin” on March 19-20. The activity mainly included science lectures, excursion trips and group painting.

On March 19th, staff from Shilin Global Geopark had a lecture on geoscience to the children how the tall and thick stone pillars formed through interesting video and oral presentation. After the lecture, the children couldn’t wait to visit the Geopark.

The flowers is in full blossom in March. The tender young leaves, pink and white and red flowers, gray stone peaks and pillar make stunning scenery. 430 teachers and students visited the Geopark on March 20th. The children touched the rocks curiously, listened to the guides attentively, explored the mysteries of the Geopark.

The children then painted the stone peaks, pillars, flowers, trees, insects and birds on long white cloth. Every child turned into a very wonderful painter.

This activity let the children know that Shilin Geopark is nature’s masterpiece, sowed the seeds of popluar science in the children's hearts, stimulated their deep love to their hometown.

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