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Danuohei, a Village Piled up with Rocks

On Jiuxiang – Stone Forest – Alu Cave Line, there is a village piled up with rocks, known as “Rock Village”. It is Danuohei Village. 

Entering Nuohei Yi Culture Museum, you will find that all ages in history are compressed into one moment. On the wall the daily articles of the Sani people are displayed including leaf rain-cloak, bamboo hat, tobacco box and fireweed. All such precious memories are fixed at each corner of the Museum.

It is recorded that Nuohei Village was originally known as “Tengzishao”. In Yi language “Nuo” means “apes” and “hei” means “pond”, and “Nuohei” means “a pond where apes play with water”. Entering the village, you will see a big pond at the entrance. Is this the place where apes play with water? As Nuohei Village is in the mountainous region with karst landform, the karst stones enable us to study the antiquity of years while appreciating the beauty.

It is a paradise for painters. Walking on the stone path in the village, you may see sketchers everywhere, including students, painters and travelers. With a pond beside rock houses, when it rains, the rain water brushes the town of rocks, creating a song of rocks and water. After a heavy rain, the rain water is indulged in the warm bed of the pond. It is a piece of rhythmic music about man, rocks and water. The favorite part for painters is the town in mountains, rocks in the town, the mountain beside rocks, the pond at the piedmont of the mountain and the water in the pond.

It is a paradise of rocks. Houses are built with rocks, roads are built of rocks, and even the mountains are piled up with rocks. Beside Danuohei Village is Dujuan Mountain, on Dujuan Mountain is Dujuan Pavilion and on top of the mountain is the tableland for sacrifice every year. Step upward and look into distance, you will see the wilderness around. At the road crossing extending downward, you will meet the Chinese toon tree aged 300 years. Passing by the tree, you will smell the fragrance.

In Danuohei Village, the grandest Torch Festival is held on the square of the Tourist Center on the 24th day of the sixth lunar month every year, the traditional Sani sacrifice activity is held on top of Dujuan Mountain on the 15th day of the seventh lunar month every year, ancestor worship activity is held on the 15th day of the tenth lunar month every year and men’s Mizhi Festival is held in the eleventh lunar month every year. 

With brilliant festival celebration ceremonies, Danuohei Village will provide you with the opportunity to have a carnival with stones whenever you come here.

In May 2006, Nuohei Village was listed among the first Yi (Sani) Culture Protection Areas of Yunnan Province by the People’s Government of Yunnan Province.

Danuohei Village is located in the east of Kunming City, 52 kilometers away from Shilin County, 41 kilometers away from Stone Forest Scenic Area and about 130 kilometers away from Kunming. The village is located at a necessary point on Jiuxiang – Stone Forest – Alu Cave Line with convenient traffic. 

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