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Stone Forest Tourism Traffic 2019

From Kunming East Bus Station to Stone Forest Scenic Area

1. Kunming East Bus Station to Stone Forest Scenic Area, nonstop

Shilin Tourism Express Bus [RMB 34 per person]

Kunming East Bus Station to Stone Forest Scenic Area Parking Lot, 8:00 to 18:00. Buses depart when fully seated.

Stone Forest Scenic Area Parking Lot to Kunming East Bus Station, 8:00 to 18:00. Buses depart when fully seated.

2. Kunming East Bus Station to Shilin County Town, and to Stone Forest Scenic Area by bus (or others)

Shilin bus [RMB 35 per person]

Kunming East Bus Station to Shilin County Town Bus Station, 7:20 to 20:10. Buses depart when fully seated.

Shilin County Town Bus Station to Kunming East Bus Station, 6:10 to 19:30. Buses depart when fully seated.

Bus No. 5 from Shilin County Town Bus Station to Stone Forest Scenic Area [RMB 4]

Note: East Bus Station refers to the corner of Renmin Road extension of Hongqiao Interchange at the 3rd ring road.

From Kunming Changshui International Airport to Stone Forest Scenic Area

Kunming Changshui International Airport to Stone Forest Scenic Area, nonstop

Changshui special shuttle [RMB 45 per person]

Departure from Shilin County Town Bus Station:

7:00, 8:10, 9:20, 10:30, 11:40

12:50, 14:00, 15:20, 16:40, 18:00

Pick-up spot: Shilin County Town Bus Station

Departure from Stone Forest Scenic Area Bus Station:

7:40, 8:50, 10:00, 11:10

12:20, 13:30, 14:40, 16:00, 17:20, 18:40

Pick-up spot: Stone Forest Scenic Area Bus Station

Kunming Changshui International Airport - Stone Forest Scenic Area Bus Station - Shilin County Town Bus Station

Departure from Kunming Changshui International Airport:

9:30, 10:20, 11:20

12:20, 13:20, 14:30, 15:30, 16:40, 17:50, 20:00

Pick-up spot: Left side at Exit 3 of Kunming Changshui Airport

Attention: Please refer the bus schedule from telephone consultation. The trip from Shilin County town to Changshui Airport takes about two and a half hours, trip from Stone Forest Scenic Area to Changshui Airport takes about two hours. Please arrange your schedule to avoid delay.

Bus consultation Tel:

Shilin County Bus Station 0871—67715716

Stone Forest Scenic Area Tourist Center 13368857559

Consultation Tel (Airport Hotline): 0871-67088999

Kunming East Bus Station 0871—63828293, 63836129


Every day trains from Shanghai, Guangzhou, Nanning, Zhanjiang, Guiyang, Hongguo, and Kunming, etc. can arrive at Shilin Railway Station. The trip takes 2 to 3 hours and costs RMB 8 to 20 because of different train numbers.

Shilin Railway Station is about 4 kilometers from Stone Forest Scenic Area. Visitors can take a taxi or a motorcycle.

Train information: Visitors can follow "Kunming Railway", the WeChat public account of Kunming Railway Bureau, to conveniently check train numbers, remaining tickets, fares and ticket purchase through the WeChat platform. Visitors can also call 0871-95105105 to book according to the voice prompts.

G-series high-speed train

Shilin West Railway Station to Stone Forest Scenic Area, nonstop

Bus No. 99 [RMB 10 per person]

Departure: 7: 30, 18: 30

Pick-up spot: Shilin West Railway Station Parking Lot

Stone Forest Scenic Area to Shilin West Railway Station, nonstop

Bus No. 99 [RMB 10 per person]

Departure: 8: 00, 18: 30

Pick-up spot: Stone Forest Scenic Area Bus Station

Bus consultation Tel: Stone Forest Scenic Area Tourist Center 13368857559

Attention: The trip from Shilin West Railway Station to Stone Forest Scenic Area takes about 50 minutes, and buses depart every 20 minutes. Please arrange your schedule to avoid delay.

Shilin buses to Naigu Stone Forest

Special shuttle to Taiwan Peasant Entrepreneurship Park: Shilin County Bus Station - Shilin Middle Road - Shilin Railway Station - Naigu Stone Forest - Leisure Blueberry Manor - Apricot Tree Garden (9:00 to 14:00, hourly departure) [RMB 8 per person]

Special shuttle from Stone Forest Scenic Area to Naigu Stone Forest: Stone Forest Scenic Area Parking Lot Tourist Center - Shilin Railway Station - Naigu Stone Forest Scenic Area Parking Lot (9:00 to 15:00, buses depart when fully seated) [RMB 2 per person]

Shilin bus consultation: 0871-67790478

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