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Tourism Hotline to Stone Forest

Stone Forest Scenic Sport Administration Bureau,Tourist Bureau 0871-67711439

Administration of the Long Lake Resort 0871-67734210

Administration of the Dragon-Flying Waterfall Resort 0871-67743595

Administration of the Black Pine Rocks Resort (Naigu Stone Forest) 0871-67717503

Tourism Advisory 0871-67719006

Shilin Tourism Memberl Center 0871-67710316

Tourism Complaints 0871-67711719

Emergency Medical Call 0871-67710120

Vice director of Shilin Global Geopark Administrative Bureau  Tel:86-13888947581

Email: 1727241513@qq.com

website of the Stone Forest Scenic Spot: http://shilingeopark.com/

Attentive Prompt:

Ticket Price for an entire journey in the Stone Forest Scenic Spot is  130Yuan;the disabled, the elderly above 70 years old ,the retired cadres,as well as the children shorter than 1.2m are free of ticket charge.Ticket for the Long Lake:10Yuan;

Ticket for the Dragon-Flying Waterfall:18Yuan

Shilin Tourism Membership known as “All-the-Line Smart Card” helps cut your travel budget at 200Yuan all through and 150Yuan to students all year round.


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