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Rich Rock Surface Solutions

The Stone Forest developed mainly from Permian pure limestone (Maokou Formation ) and dolomitic limestone (Qixai Formation ). Karstification processes include subsoil erosion, subaerial erosion and biological erosion. All these solution actions left their imprints on the rocks. Beside macro-karst shapes, a wide variety of beautiful micro-solution forms occurred on the rock surfaces such as rillenkarren, solution grooves, solution holes, solution slots, etc. Due to lithologic differences, the solution grooves and rillenkarren developed on pure limestone are uniform and smooth, as if made by knives and axe, while those developed on dolomitic limestone are rough, varied and disordered. Various micro-solution forms decorate the stone pillars exquisite relief sculptures and enrich the beauty of the stone forest.

滇ICP备15008403号 版权所有:云南石林风景名胜区管理局 技术支持:盛威时代科技集团有限公司

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