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Shilin UGGp Went to Dali Cangshan UGGp for an Exchange Visit

21 Oct 2019

Representatives of Shilin UNESCO Global Geopark visited Dali Cangshan UNESCO Global Geopark on October 21, 2019 to strengthen cooperation and communication between the two geoparks.

At present, Shilin UGGp was upgrading geopark geoscience interpretation system so as to spread geoscience to the general public more effectively. Shilin UGGp was eager to learn about practice and operation of Dali Cangshan UNESCO Global Geopark.  

Group photo of representatives from Shilin and Dali Cangshan geoparks  

Led by staff of Dali Cangshan Geopark, representatives of Shilin UGGp visited Dali Cangshan Geopark, the Geopark Museum, the Visitor Center, etc. Both geoparks engaged in in-depth discussions and exchanges regarding scientific research and science popularization, intelligent tourism, interpretation system, practice and activities between geoparks and their partners, promotion of sustainable development in the geopark communities.

During the visit, both geoparks shared valuable experience and knowledge. By exchange and learning from each other, we are developing the UNESCO Global Geopark brand as a quality label.


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