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Danxianshan Makes an Exchange Visit to Shilin

9 March 2017

Representatives of Danxiashan UGGp, in southern China’s Guangdong Province, visited Shilin on 8th March. After visiting the Tourist Center, the Major Stone Forest Scenic Area, the Minor Stone Forest Scenic Area and Bushao Hill Scenic Area, staff members of the Danxianshan Geopark got some knowledge about the long and complex geological evolution of Shilin UGGp and knew more about the practice of popular science education and interpretation system.

Staff from Shilin and Danxianshan had a meeting. Li Guangliang, deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of Shilin Geopark Administrative Bureau, introduced the history and building of Shilin UGGp over the past 13 years. Chen Fang, director of Danxianshan Management Committee, introduced tour guide management, popular science education, community involvement in geopark building, etc. Both geoparks discussed some issues concerning geoconservation, geopark management and marketing, and revalidation work, etc.

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