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Welcome to Celebrate National Day at Stone Forest

With the 70th National Day coming in golden October, Yunnan Stone Forest Scenic Area has prepared various festive activities for guests at home and abroad, inviting you to visit Stone Forest, enjoy local Yi style, and sing “My Motherland and I” together for our motherland during National Day celebration.

Celebrating National Day

Waving Red Flags

Festive Atmosphere

The most prestigious Stone Forest Scenic Area will be surrounded by thousands of stones and peaks as well as national flags and flowers. The scenic area has organized various ethnic minority folklore exhibition activities: Ashima and Ahei will welcome guests in Visitor Center Square with lively and festive songs and dance; antiphonal singing on bamboo raft will be held at Shilin Lake; ethnic song and dance performances will be held at Sun and Moon Square for singing “My Motherland and I” together; visitors will experience Shilin Yi people’s Dasanxian at natural dance field; and Sani Xiyue, embroidery techniques and other folk arts will be exhibited at Imminent Peril, Blade Pool, Better Stay and other attractions. With the blooming coreopsis sea and accompanied by solemn black stone castle, Naigu Stone Forest shows its unique charm by presenting itself as a romantic autumn scroll. “For the 70th Anniversary of the Founding of New China - Love in Stone Forest in Autumn & Date at Naigu Flower Sea” Photography Talent Tournament will be held as scheduled. Long Lake is a good place for barbecue camping and hiking with its attractive grass, water and mountains - this is exactly the time for autumn outing.

Antiphonal Singing on Bamboo Rafts

Folk Art

China Intangible Cultural Heritage - Sani Embroidery

Singing & Dancing Performance

Shilin is rich in tourism resources: in golden autumn, visitors can not only enjoy Stone Forest the geological wonder and coreopsis sea, but also feel winter snow in advance in Snow and Ocean Park, experience Yi people’s guesthouse in Yi Village, pick up seasonal fruits in Taiwan Peasant Entrepreneurship Park, and taste the freshest Pepino melons at Xijiekou, hometown of Pepino melons. During the National Day holiday, Shilin Leisure Blueberry Manor will prepare celebration activities like wonderful camping night, colorful flower fields, bonfire evening party, and featured blueberry banquets. Apricot Tree Garden Shihai Hot Spring will provide a special offer of ticket scrambling for National Day, and Shilin County’s celebration of the 70th anniversary of the People’s Republic of China photography exhibition will be held on October 1st.

Naigu Flower Sea

Long Lake

If you are reluctant to stay at home or spending time travelling in bustling cities, welcome to Stone Forest. Beautiful stones, flowers, and diversified ethnical styles are destined to make your journey colorful.

Welcome to Stone Forest

Travel information

Fare information:

Admission fee: full fare RMB 130 per person, student fare RMB 65 per person, free admission for children under 1.2 meters and senior citizens over 70. The scope of the tour includes Major Stone Forest, Minor Stone Forest, Liziyuanjing, Ancient Ganoderma, Bushao Mountain.

Admission fee for Naigu Stone Forest Scenic Area: RMB 25.

Admission fee for Long Lake Scenic Area: RMB 10.

Information Tel: 0871-67719006, 67711439



To Stone Forest Scenic Area, please set your destination as “Stone Forest Visitor Center” if you use navigation. Drive along Kunming-Shilin Highway to Stone Forest Scenic Area toll gate and keep driving for about 1 kilometer to Stone Forest Scenic Area Visitor Center. The visitor center is about 1 kilometer from the entrance of the scenic area. You can take a sightseeing electric vehicle or walk there.

Driving route to Naigu Stone Forest: turn at the Stone Forest Scenic Area toll station exit turntable of Kunming-Shilin Highway and drive towards the railway station.

Driving route to Long Lake Stone Forest Scenic Area: leave from Kunming-Shilin Highway at the Stone Forest Scenic Area exit and drive along the Jiushia Travel Line to Long Lake Stone Forest Scenic Area.


Shilin Tourism Express Bus: Kunming East Bus Station to Stone Forest Scenic Area Parking Lot

Shilin Bus: Kunming East Bus Station to Shilin County Bus Station  

Changshui Airport Express Bus: Bus stops available at Shilin County Bus Station, Shilin Yinruilin International Hotel, and Stone Forest Scenic Area Parking Lot. Please refer the bus schedule from telephone consultation. The trip from Shilin County town to Changshui Airport takes about two and a half hours; trip from Stone Forest Scenic Area to Changshui Airport takes about two hours. Please arrange your schedule to avoid delay.

Bus consultation Tel: Stone Forest Scenic Area Tourist Center 15721894774  

Shilin County Bus Station 0871-67713535  

Kunming East Bus Station 0871-63828293, 63836129

Shilin Bus Consultation: 0871-67790478


It takes over 20 minutes from Kunming South Railway Station (High-Speed Rail Station) to Shilin West Railway Station (High-Speed Rail Station). There are bus No. 66 that runs between Shilin West Railway Station and Shilin County, and bus No. 99 that runs between Shilin West Railway Station and Stone Forest Scenic Area.

Leisure & Vacation:

Leisure Blueberry Manor  

Address: inside Taiwan Peasant Entrepreneurship Park, Shilin County  

Tel: 0871-67717999, 67717668

Apricot Tree Garden

Address: inside Taiwan Peasant Entrepreneurship Park, Shilin County

Tel: 0871-67716900

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