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Shilin Delegates Participated the Unveiling Ceremony of Yimengshan UNESCO Global Geopark & Symposium of UGGp Building and Development

Shilin delegates participated the unveiling ceremony of Yimengshan UNESCO Global Geopark & Symposium of UGGp building and development held at Yimengshan UNESCO Global Geopark in Shandong Province of China on April 26-28, 2021.

A delegates of Shilin UNESCO Global Geopark, led by Mr. Wang Shuilin, the deputy Party Secretary and the deputy director of Shilin Global Geopark Administrative Bureau, attended the activities organized by Yimengshan UGGp. Mr. Wang Shuilin delivered a key-note presentation on the symposium, sharing Shilin geopark conservation and protection, management, popular science dissemination, the roles of geopark in boosting local economic development. On behalf of Shilin UGGp, Mr. Wang Shuilin also signed Sister-Geopark Cooperation Agreement with Yimengshan UGGp. Representatives of Shilin UGGp conducted exchanges and communication with participants from other geoparks.

Networking is one of the four fundamental features of UGGp (the other three are geological heritage of international value, management, visibility ) . A UNESCO Global Geopark is not only about cooperation with the local people living in the UNESCO Global Geopark area, but also about cooperating with other UNESCO Global Geoparks through the Global Geoparks Network (GGN), and regional networks for UNESCO Global Geoparks, in order to learn from each other and, as a network, improve the quality of the label UNESCO Global Geopark.

As of April 22nd, 2021, there are 169 UNESCO Global Geoparks in 44 countries. Among them 44 are in China, and China has the largest number of UNESCO Global Geoparks.

Shilin, designated as one of the first batch of global geoparks in February 13, 2004, is composed of several georegions including the Major and Minor Stone Forest, the Naigu Stone Forest, the Changhu Lake, and the Dadieshui Waterfall, etc. There are 105 geoheritages in Shilin Global Geopark. The Geopark is the place where Shilin landform was named, with a variety of typical karst landform. Shilin Geopark, a unique geomorphology, is generally a carbonate terrain and diverse karst landforms provide best record to the regional geological history.

Yimengshan was inscribed as a UNESCO Global Geopark in April 2019, and is composed of Mengshan georegion, Diamond georegion, Daigu georegion, Menglianggu georegion and Yimeng lake georegion. There are 44 geoheritages distributed within the Geopark. The earliest primary diamond mine was located in the Geopark. The Geopark was the place where Daigu landform was named, with group of typical castle-shaped landforms.

Shilin delegate is delieveing a presentation in the symposium

Yimengshan and Shilin are exchanging gifts

group photo in the symposium

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