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Global Geopark Propaganda Week

Stone Forest Geological Science Education propaganda week start

In the morning of 15th May, the Stone Forest Geological Science Propaganda Week, also know as 2010 China Global Geopark Propaganda Week and the Science and Technology Week, with the theme as “Protection of geological heritage, promoting geo-tourism, expansion of the Geopark propaganda, popularize the knowledge of geological relics; conservation of energy resources, protect ecological environment, to protect the safety and health, work together to create an innovation-oriented country ", launched on the Sun and Moon Square of Stone Forest. Under the deployment of Ministry of Land and Resources, Ministry of Science and Technology, the Publicity Department of the CPC Central Committee, China Association for Science and Technology, and the arrangement made by provincial and municipal government, this Geological Science Propaganda Week will be started in 22 global geopark of China simultaneously.

Relevant leaders attend the launching ceremony 

The Geological Science Propaganda Week will be held during 15th May to 21st May. Many departments of Stone Forest will take the oath of “protecting the environment and the Stone Forest, to love the hometown and the Motherland”, and will hold colorful activities such as visiting the geological remains visits, Watching museum and geological videos , holding science lecture on campus, holding geopark knowledge exhibition, volunteers publicity service, essay competition among primary and middle school students, nationality artistic performance, to give tourists, students and also locals a better understanding about geological science, especially the theme of this propaganda week. In order to arouse tourist and local people’s attention of cherishing the earth, protecting the nature, environment and Stone Forest, to improve the science protection and development of Stone Forest Global Geopark.

Cai Zhiqiu, the Standing committee member of county Party committee and the Director of Propaganda Department makes a speech at the ceremony

Student representative takes the oath

Li Zhengping, the General Director of the Administrative Bureau of Stone Forest   announces beginning of the propaganda week

The volunteers introduce the Stone Forest Geopark to the students

Students learn the geological science by watching the propaganda board in lines after the launching ceremony

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