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Geological Class at Geological Museum

Teachers and Students gathered at Karst Geological Museum of Stone Forest

The students learned the stone forest distribution knowledge
in front of the E-sand table.
15th May is the first day of Stone Forest Global Geopark propaganda week; Karst Geological Museum of Stone Forest received many students who are eager to learn the geological knowledge. The students visited the Karst Geological Museum under the guidance of the professional narrator, and learned the “Stone Forest-A Story about the Nature” during their visit.
Learning the geological knowledge of Stone Forest formation carefully
Paying high attention to the narrator
Observing the typical stone specimen
Operating on the touch screen, to experience the technology applied on scenic introduction, while learning the relevant geological knowledge at the same time

Experiencing the virtual book system

Observing the fossil specimen
Paying close attention to the narrator

滇ICP备15008403号 版权所有:云南石林风景名胜区管理局 技术支持:盛威时代科技集团有限公司

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